How to Become an ISCOPI Member

Membership Fee
Annual dues per member ………………………………. US $100
Trainee / Fellow & Medical Students ……………….. Free
Non Physician contact ISCOPI

1. Apply for membership
2. Membership fee to be paid by check made out to ‘ISCOPI’ or Pay online using the below link.

For details, contact
Dr Manoj Shah, President – ISCOPI
18452 Moss Road.
Riverside, CA 92508

Benefits of ISCOPI Membership
1. Opportunity to network with other physicians of Indian / south asian origin in the community
2. Educational program every month
3. Information on financial, taxation, investment opportunities through sponsored talks from area businesses
4. Social and Friendly environment , opportunities to demonstrate talents etc.
5. Package tours overseas with members and family
6. Options to volunteer in charitable activities promoted by ISCOPI