ISCOPI Sponsorship

Dear Sponsor:
Thank you for your interest in sponsoring the educational and charity activities of ISCOPI.
The Inland Southern California Organization of Physicians of Indian origin (ISCOPI) is a non-profit, tax-exempt professional organization with over 600 physicians from the Inland Empire (Riverside and San Bernardino Counties) in its database. ISCOPI has worked collectively with charitable, pharmaceutical and business community members on educational programs and other activities on an ongoing basis. We would like to extend our thanks for their support and encouragement and look forward to continuing this relationship.

There are multiple opportunities to interact with our members and attendees. We hold regular educational activities including monthly meetings attended by 60-100 Physicians from various specialities. These meetings are also attended by medical students and physicians in training. These monthly meetings are an excellent venue to showcase your product, activities, or services. In addition, there are opportunities to mingle with our members at social and cultural gatherings held 4-5 times per year.

We look forward to working with you and making your products and services available to our members. Please send an e-mail to stating your choice of sponsorship level to initiate the process. On behalf of ISCOPI, we thank you for your support.

18452 Moss Road, Riverside, CA 92508 Tax ID Number 46-2578722